Good morning!

Hello to all reading!

Setting up this site is an idea that I have been dancing around for a while, and there is a very bittersweet reason for finally giving myself a place to write on the internet.

Last week came the incredibly sad news that the arts community forum IdeasTap is due to close on the 2nd June 2015, due to a lack of funding (there is currently a petition running to save IdeasTap, if you haven’t already signed then follow the link now!). As a young person working to build up her portfolio and connections in the arts, this news has come as a massive blow. I check IdeasTap regularly for upcoming jobs, opportunities and news, and there are several articles on the site that have helped me to develop my own work. My online IdeasTap portfolio is referenced on my CV and linked with all my social media – and that is all going to disappear along with everything else come summertime.

So, I feel this finally gives me a practical reason to start what would otherwise inevitably end up like the paper diaries I have attempted to keep in the past – rarely updated, often neglected and usually filled with whatever trivia was in my head the morning that I discover it under the desk.

I don’t know what you can expect from this blog yet; at the very least I want to keep a record of my work, and I anticipate that other thoughts and adventures will make their way here somehow as well. Hopefully the thought that someone other than myself is reading this will motivate me to maintain something like a regular update, rather than entries that jump from the 12 days of Christmas to the Summer Solstice, as has often been the case…

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